This is the second in a series of livestreams dedicated to members of Philosophy Portal's live events to reflect on the theme of the month. This month we reflect on Communism.
In this conversation series, we seek to enquire deeper about the experience and the philosophy of Lack, and ultimately, what such a philosophy might say about our contemporary culture.
In our second discourse on the Philosophy of Lack, I propose to shift our context to Democritus, and his atomist ontology, which we may say is the spontaneous unofficial metaphysics of scientific materialism (i.e. the universe at base is divided between indivisible somethings and nothing (“the void”).
Daniel L. Garner, Tim Adalin, Alex Ebert and I continue the Philosophy of Lack series with a focus on excess.
A conversation at year-end about what is happening in online intellectual spaces: what is sensed?, what is missing?, what is hoped for? We will various discuss topics of violence/conflict, sexuality/intimacy, money/power, recognition/attention, lack/insecurity, and truth/fantasy (featuring Owen Cox, Daniel Fraga (of Technosocial), Kevin Orosz, Daniel Dick (Sex, Masculinity, God), O.G. Rose, Tim Adalin, Alexander Ebert (Philosophy of Lack).
Daniel L. Garner, Tim Adalin, Alex Ebert and I conclude our Philosophy of Lack series with a focus on address.
This conversation focuses on a proposed course by Tim Adalin of Voicecraft titled Transformative Philosophy.
This is a livestream focused on the second official Philosophy Portal anthology, Abyssal Arrows, featuring many of the authors of the anthology.
This video represents a book discussion focused on my second official solo book, Systems and Subjects, and featuring four guests/interlocutors, including Layman Pascal, Thomas Hamelryck, Daniel L. Garner, and Tim Adalin.