"Early Marx 101" is a year-long course led by Cadell Last and hosted in collaboration with The Portal. Throughout the course we will explore the early works of Marx (primarily from the 1840s) as a key foundational transition from the thought of the post-Idealist Young Hegelians, and into the struggles of Marxist political-economy. Consequently this course will not only give you an overview of early Marxist thought, but also insight into the struggles and problems that birthed the Marxist tradition. Throughout the course we will be framing Marxism, not as a final answer or solution for a higher order socialist political-economy, but as a question and a problem that continues to haunt us collectively, as well as a persistent symptom of both left and right-wing political orientations within capitalist society constituted by a dialectic of labour and capital.

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Two ways to access: purchase the course on its own, or join The Portal as a monthly or yearly member and get access to much more (details below)

Early Marx 101
One time
For 2 months

Register for the full course on Early Marx 101, which includes 7 full lectures on the foundations of early Marx, including lectures on the Critique of the Philosophy of Right, Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts, The German Ideology, Wage Labour and Capital, and The Communist Manifesto.

✓ 7 live sessions with discussions
✓ Lifetime access to recordings
✓ Mailing list for organising course/post-course processes
Philosophy Portal Members
Every month
Every year

Philosophy Portal is an online education platform opening space for the next generation of great thought, and cultivation of future philosophical mind. Philosophy Portal members get access to The Portal live event spaces, book clubs, either free or discounted access to courses, permanent early bird pricing on future courses, and priority to apply for retreats. Couples are encouraged get a 2 for 1 deal.

✓ Four live events every month
✓ Recorded history of our sessions (150+ hours of material)
✓ Deleuze and Analysis course (live)
✓ Slovenian School Reading group (live)
✓ Discounts on recorded/future courses

Meet Your Teacher

Professor Cadell Last

Cadell Last is the creator/founder of Philosophy Portal, the author of Global Brain Singularity, Systems & Subjects, Real Speculations, as well as the co-editor of Enter the Alien, Abyssal Arrows, and Logic for the Global Brain. He has a background in anthropology, history, complexity science, philosophy and psychoanalysis; and he teaches dialectical thinking at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, as well as the foundations of modern philosophy and psychoanalysis at Philosophy Portal.  Throughout the first years of Philosophy Portal his teaching has been grounded in Hegel’s primary source texts, and this shift to teaching the early Marx constitutes a continuation of this interest and work.  As is well-known, Hegel’s philosophy is a primary influence for the early Marx, and thus a background in Hegel should prove insightful for a deeper investigation of Marx.  In this investigation, we seek to think the contradictions between Hegel and Marx, which still seem to cast shadow on our world.  

Session 1: Critique of Philosophy of Right

Session 5: The Poverty of Philosophy

Session 2: Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts

Session 6: Wage Labour and Capital

Session 3: Theses on Feuerbach

Session 7: The Communist Manifesto

Session 4: The German Ideology




7pm CET (Central European Time)

Sunday May 4th / Session 1: Critique of the Philosophy of Right

Monday June 2nd / Session 2: Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts

Sunday July 13th / Session 3: Theses on Feuerbach

Sunday August 10th / Session 4: The German Ideology

Monday September 8th / Session 5: The Poverty of Philosophy

Sunday October 5th / Session 6: Wage Labour and Capital

Sunday November 2nd / Session 7: The Communist Manifesto

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Join Now

Two ways to access: purchase the mini-course as a stand-alone seminar, or join The Portal as a monthly or yearly member

Early Marx 101
One time
For 2 months

Register for the full course on Early Marx 101, which includes 7 full lectures on the foundations of early Marx, including lectures on the Critique of the Philosophy of Right, Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts, The German Ideology, Wage Labour and Capital, and The Communist Manifesto.

✓ 7 live sessions with discussions
✓ Lifetime access to recordings
✓ Mailing list for organising course/post-course processes
Philosophy Portal Members
Every month
Every year

Philosophy Portal is an online education platform opening space for the next generation of great thought, and cultivation of future philosophical mind. Philosophy Portal members get access to The Portal live event spaces, book clubs, either free or discounted access to courses, permanent early bird pricing on future courses, and priority to apply for retreats. Couples are encouraged get a 2 for 1 deal.

✓ Four live events every month
✓ Recorded history of our sessions (150+ hours of material)
✓ Deleuze and Analysis course (live)
✓ Slovenian School Reading group (live)
✓ Discounts on recorded/future courses

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