Logic for the Global Brain

This is a home page for the Science of Logic conference “Logic for the Global Brain” which took place Saturday June 24th and Sunday June 25th 2023. The conference featured presentations from several students and teachers in the formal Science of Logic course hosted by Philosophy Portal from January 16th 2023 to May 8th 2023. We also welcome a few extra speakers who represent important figures and/or are engaging important projects that help us relate to and think about the science of logic in our current context.

All presentations are available below in video form.

  • 1.1 - Cadell Last - Introduction

    1.2 - Max Macken - Presuppositionless Philosophy

    1.3 - Dimitri Crooijmans - The Work of Love

    1.4 - Jason Bernstein - Forgetting the Forgetting


    1.5 - Baris Ari - Concept of Life in Hegel

    1.6 - Raza Ali - Innex: Exploring Extimacy

    1.7 - Isaiah Holland - The Logic of Evangelion

    1.8 - James Wisdom - Nothing Matters


    1.9 - Quinn Whelehan - The Living Contradiction

    1.10 - Cadell Last - Concept to Being

    1.11 - David McKerracher - Underground Theory

    1.12 - Alex Ebert - Lack/Excess

    1.13 - Bruce Alderman - Education in Transition

  • 2.1 - Chetan Anand - Wittgenstein in Hegel’s Logic

    2.2 - Joel Dietz - Theories of the Emergence of Logic

    2.3 - Jyoti Dalal - Thinking the Quality/Quantity Debate

    2.4 - Peter Robinson - Stranger in a Strange Land


    2.5 - Timothée Brès - The Androgynous Organisation

    2.6 - Philip Shinn - Es Ist So: Dis/Abel Towards Becoming

    2.7 - Jorge Rivera - Self Reflection in the Creative

    2.8 - Kalyani Vaishnavi, Sahil Sasidharan - Working Through Contradiction


    2.9 - Peter Limberg - Wisdom Commons

    2.10 - Thomas Winn - The Inversion

    2.11 - Daniel L. Garner - On Analysis Communitas

    2.12 - Thomas Hamelryck - Induction, Deduction, Abduction

    2.13 - Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes - Mysticism to Metaphysics

    2.14 - Peter Rollins - Pyrotheology


Cadell Last.

Presuppositonless Philosophy.

Max Macken.

The Work of Love.

Dimitri Crooijmans.

Forgetting the Forgetting.

Jason Bernstein.

Concept of Life in Hegel.

Baris Ari.

In-N-Ex / Extimacy.

Raza Ali.

The Logic of Evangelion.

Isaiah Holland.

Nothing Matters.

James Wisdom.

The Living Contradiction.

Quinn Whelehan.

Concept to Being.

Cadell Last.

Underground Theory.

David McKerracher.


Alex Ebert.

Education In/As Transition.

Bruce Alderman.

Wittgenstein and Hegel’s Logic.

Chetan Anand.

The Emergence of Logic.

Joel Dietz.

Thinking Quality/Quantity Debate.

Jyoti Dalal.

Stranger in a Strange Land.

Peter Robinson.

The Androgynous Organisation.

Timothée Brès.

Es Ist So.

Philip Shinn.

Self Reflection in the Creative.

Jorge Rivera.

Working Through Contradiction.

Kalyani Vaishnavi, Sahil Sasidharan.

Wisdom Commons.

Peter Limberg.

The Inversion.

Thomas Winn.

On Analysis Communitas.

Daniel L. Garner.

Induction, Deduction, Abduction.

Thomas Hamelryck.

Mysticism to Metaphysics.

Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes.


Peter Rollins.