The Freudian Unconscious.

Discovery, development, and contemporary thinking on the unconscious psyche.

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The unconscious psyche was the radical idea that the psyche and consciousness were not equal to each other. There was an entirely other dimension of the psyche that had been unexplored, the unconscious. While previous thinkers had intuited the idea an unconscious mind, Freud developed the methods and practices that would be necessary to investigate its nature, and also to help humanity reconcile with its existence.

Section Themes

The course focuses on not only Freud, in the clinical discovery of the unconscious, but also Lacan, in the development of the original Freudian theory with philosophy and linguistics, and Žižek, as an example of the contemporary philosophical use of the discovery of the unconscious for our knowing today.


The discovery of the unconscious.


The development of the theory.


Relevance to contemporary thought.

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“Cadell Last’s work and projects are of extreme significance in the times we live in. They give theory a platform it doesn’t usually get, and establish connections that one would never thought of. All this with great lucidity, intensity and dedication.”

— Alenka Zupančič, philosopher of psychoanalysis, author of What Is Sex?

“This project is essential and crucial for the future of psychoanalytic theory and the emancipatory drive.”

— Slavoj Žižek, Hegelian philosopher, author of Less Than Nothing



“One of the most powerful experiences I have had in linking high order philosophy with psychoanalysis. As a psychoanalytic psychotherapist, I cannot emphasize enough how this course has helped with my own self-understanding and consequently clinical thinking.”

— Roshanak Vahdani, Jungian psychotherapist


“It has been a precious and invaluable experience studying under Cadell Last. I have benefitted greatly from first-hand experience of his generous, personal, intellectual guidance. His course is organized, rigorous and packed full of relevant information[.]. I have studied at numerous universities at post-graduate level and Cadell’s courses have provided me with the best readings and opportunities of learning, more than any other that I have completed.”

— Megan Lorrayne, psychotherapist and health coach


“[This is] about as clear an introduction as you can get to the whole loaf of Freud, lovingly baked for our contemporary context. The material discussed continues to challenge and motivate me, and I haven’t quite found an area of my life where it wasn’t incredibly relevant!”

— Addley Walker, woodland critter

“As a student in philosophy, I gained a lot from engaging with this course. It must not be underestimated how valuable this kind of work can be, […] tarrying with the negative within and without, adn in improving one’s understanding of both personal and professional interests. I would never have gained as much as I did reading Freud and Lacan, had I not had the opportunity to learn with Last. Last provides quality material with care, and I have great faith in his project.”

— Mika Leinonen, philosopher (with a focus on Aristotle and Hegel)


“A rival to the best college courses and professors, Cadell’s class will introduce the professional and the novice to a subtle, nuanced, and philosophically interested dive into the Freudian universe. His personal and passionate style has made accessible an entire intellectual realm that proves to have real implications to your intellectual, professional and most personal development.”

— Jacob Weiss, U.S. military, aspiring scholar


“In these critical transformational times courses like this are vital. Cadell Last’s skillful wizardry at mapping out a road for studying the unconscious is a rare and genius asset right now. His depth of insights are vast and remarkable. The rich content and gems of wisdom he has woven together are a cornucopia of delights. And the inclusive and communal platform is an honour to be a part of. A labyrinth of abundant knowledge to dive into over and again.”

— Feebz Luna, mystic