Rosy Cross: Questions of Right, Power, Love and Freedom

This is the home page for the fifth Philosophy Portal conference inspired by Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. To the right you will find the dates and speakers for the event. Below you will find more information about the speakers and the schedule. If you would like to attend, please register for the live conference weekend using the “Sign Up” button below:

  • 1600-1630: Cadell Last - Rosey Cross

    1630-1700: Dimitri Crooijmans - On Freedom

    1700-1730: Eliot Rosenstock - Spirit at the Limit

    1730-1800: Sahil Sasidharan - Marx's (Re)turn to Hegel: A Political Economy of Right?

    1800-1830: Max Macken - Hegel's Concept of Justice and Critique of Liberalism

    1830-1900: James Wisdom - The Philosophy of Wrong

    1900-1930: Tony Chamas (1Dime) - On Liberal Totalitarianism / Sublation of Liberal Democracy

    1930-2000: Bram E. Gieben - The Darkest Timeline

    1930-2000: David McKerracher - Timenergy Lack and Energytime

    2000-2030: Benjamin Studebaker - The Chronic Crisis of American Democracy

  • 1600-1630: Joris de Kelver & Cadell Last - Commons/Cooperatives

    1630-1700: Jason Bernstein - The Human Perfection of Freedom

    1700-1730: Quinn Whelehan - Politics of Subtraction: From Crisis to Contradiction

    1730-1800: Kalyani Vaishnavi - Reason versus Understanding

    1800-1830: Cleo Kearns - Darkness Visible: Hegel, Slavery, and Afro-Pessimism

    1830-1900: Daniel L. Garner - The Right Power

    1900-1930: Alex Ebert - Meta-Political Power

    1930-2000: Cadell Last - Exit and Love

    2000-2030: Daniel Tutt - Thinking Hegel's Politics with Lukacs and Losurdo's Marxism

Conference Presenters

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