Global Brain Singularity Seminars 2024

This page hosts the seminars on my doctoral thesis Global Brain Singularity that Cadell Last delivered at the Society for Multidisciplinary and Fundamental Research (SEMF) on the week of July 23rd through July 26th 2024.

(Note: the audio for Seminar 2 is rough/weak, although listenable)

  • The first session attempts to set the scene or frame the importance of thinking about Global Brain Singularity.

  • The second session introduces the contradiction that globally contextualises the present moment.

    (Note: the audio for Seminar 2 is rough/weak, although listenable)

  • The third session explores the first two sections of Global Brain Singularity: from cosmic evolution to metasystems.

  • The fourth session explores the the second and third section of Global Brain Singularity: commons to deep futures.

Session 1.

The first session attempts to set the scene or frame the importance of thinking about Global Brain Singularity.

Session 2.

The second session introduces the contradiction that globally contextualises the present moment.

(Note: the audio for this Session is rough/weak, although listenable)

Session 3.

The third session explores the first two sections of Global Brain Singularity: from cosmic evolution to metasystems.

Session 4.

The fourth session explores the the second and third section of Global Brain Singularity: commons to deep futures.