Slavoj Žižek, philosopher, author of Sublime Object of Ideology, Less Than Nothing

“This project is essential and crucial for the future of psychoanalytic theory and the emancipatory drive.”

Alenka Zupančič, philosopher, author of Ethics of the Real, What Is Sex?

“Cadell Last’s work and projects are of extreme significance in the times we live in. They give theory a platform it doesn’t usually get, and establish connections that one would never thought of. All this with great lucidity, intensity and dedication.”

Todd McGowan, philosopher and author of Capitalism and Desire, Emancipation After Hegel

“Cadell Last is playing a critical part in the communication and development of theory today. He provides a needed avenue for people to learn existing theories, and just as importantly, to conceive their own. We live in a world where theory has become an existential exigency for everyone, and Cadell is responding to this situation with the appropriate urgency.”

Pamela von Sabljar, speaker, facilitator, and mentor inspired by Living from Eros

As a lifelong student of phenomenology and practical philosophy Dr. Cadell Last as an excellent pedagog to have challenged, supported and enhanced my way of thinking. Philosophy Portal is a breeding ground for emergent thought leaders on a global scale. A vibrant community fertilizing philosophy in its core essence. Filling a gap in our existing global meaning making crisis.”

Thomas Hamelryck, computer scientist, published in PNAS, PLoS Computational Biology, Bioinformatics

“Dr. Last manages to make uber-obscure philosophy accessible, relevant and timely, which is no small feat. This is philosophy firmly grounded in experienced reality, going far beyond dry academia. On top of that, the courses are highly interactive, culminating in an online conference with surprising talks, and matched by edited books by the course’s participants.”

Layman Pascal, philosopher, metashamanic spiritual teacher & host of The Integral Stage and Soulmakers podcasts

Today's leading-edge thinking requires the cultivation of proactive transdisciplinary spaces that negotiate between intellectual rigor & creative novelty and which can explore big-picture, post-pluralistic frontiers without succumbing to naive utopianism.  Cadell Last's Philosophy Portal project is hitting that target more reliably than anyone else.”

Andrew Sweeny, writer, teacher, co-creator of Parallax

“Dr. Cadell Last is unique among teachers of philosophy today — like Slavoj Žižek he has managed to make philosophy dangerous and existential again, to bring back Freud, Hegel and Nietzsche with a vengeance — and make them fully contemporary.”

Joris de Kelver, founder of Multiversity

Philosophy Portal is an extraordinary space that goes deep into the core of human existence. It turns philosophy into a tangible, authentic experience, offering a real and truthful exploration of life's mysteries. I highly recommend this portal for its ability to nurture both personal exploration and professional development.”

Alex Ebert, musician and lead singer of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes

Philosophy Portal is just the kind of online experience I’ve been looking for. Dr. Last brings all the heavy artillery of granular erudition with an infectious energy and will to exploration.”

Isabel Millar, philosopher and psychoanalytic theorist, author of Psychoanalysis of Artificial Intelligence

“Cadell Last not only has a breathtaking handle on a panoply of the world’s greatest thinkers, but his drive to change the way critical philosophy is taught and used in everyday life is vital in our increasingly administered culture. His astonishing precision, curiosity and intellectual dexterity make him a theory pioneer.”

David McKerracher, creator and founder of Theory Underground, author of Timenergy

“I take a lot of inspiration from Cadell Last—at gun point, or when he's not looking, it doesn't matter, I just take and take and he just gives and gives! Cadell is a dealer of ideas, questions, and thinking itself, as opposed to a mere worldview salesman. He is showing professors all over the world that there is an outside, or underground, teeming with interest in great works of philosophy!”

Daniel Garner, co-creator of O.G. Rose, author of The Conflict of Mind, Belonging Again

It’s one thing to learn philosophy, but entirely something else to learn that philosophy is a matter of life and death. We can’t escape ideas, but with the right guidance, we can escape bad ones. Dr. Last will not only convince you that life is always philosophical, but he’ll also inspire you to look at yourself, unafraid, and rise to the challenge of Socrates to die well.”

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