Rosy Cross 2: Radical Theology Meets Emancipatory Politics
This is the home page for the sixth Philosophy Portal conference inspired by the Christian Atheism course on Saturday April 12th and Sunday April 13th 2025. Below you will find more information about the speaker list as well as registration for the live event (all times: Central European Time)
1600-1630 / Cadell Last: On Christian Atheism
1630-1700 / Dimitri Crooijmans: The Truth of Communism
1700-1730 / Daniel Coughlan: A Pervert’s Guide to Being Christian
1730-1800 / Kirsty Rosenstock: Frivolous Faith and Free Association
1800-1830 / Sahil Sasidharan: A Philosophy That Binds…
1830-1900 / Andrew Robinson: Being and Speaking — The Death of God and Hegel’s Logic of Life
1900-1930 / Matthew Stanley: Renewing Liberation Theology Under Capitalist Conditions
1930-2000 / Chris Eyre: Altizer, Luria, the Demiurge and Magic Decoder Rings
2000-2030 / Cleo Kearns: Disclosure and Adoration — Jean-Luc Nancy on Christian Atheism
2030-2100 / Thomas Hamelryck: The Möbius Ring of Prohibition and Transgression
2100-2130 / Mark Gerard Murphy: Beyond Kundalini Syndrome
2130-2200 / Julie Reshe: Mothering the Dead God
2200-2230 / Barry Taylor: The Theological Unconscious
1600-1630 / Eliot Rosenstock: Religion and its Opposite: Speculative Negations
1630-1700 / Carmen Hannibal: Creativity in Liturgy for Christian Atheism
1700-1730 / Quinn Whelehan: The problem of evil: Innocence, ignorance and (in)difference
1730-1800 / Max Macken: Nietzsche, Socrates and the Sophists — The Death of God and the Question of Morality
1800-1830 / Dominic Sacranie — Islam’s Wager
1830-1900 / Noah Waiwaiole: Calvinist Capitalism and Predestination
1900-1930 / James Wisdom: They were in hell, with no God to protect them, and Christ was there.
1930-2000 / Edie Hitchcock: On Atheistic Christian Values
2000-2030 / Pae Veo: Christian Atheism and Literature
2030-2100 / Daniel L. Garner: The One Who Fears Is Not Made Perfect In Love
2100-2130 / Cadell Last: Church as Contradiction
2130-2200 / Helen Rollins: Buddha, God, and Cave Walls
2200-2230 / Peter Rollins: Church of the Contradiction Beyond the Emerging Church
Conference Presenters
Cadell Last
Creator/founder of Philosophy Portal, author of Systems & Subjects
Dimitri Crooijmans
Creator of Actual Spirit and objet lil a
Daniel Coughlan
Religious seeker and finder
Kirsty Rosenstock
Artist, writer, creator, apprentice in ideological exorcism
Sahil Sasidharan
Philosopher of technics
Andrew Robinson
Author of God and the World of Signs, interested in semiotics and Christian theology
Matthew Stanley
Writer, educator, creator/founder of Samara Diagnostics
Chris Eyre
Writer, theologian, philosopher, author of A Holy Mystery
Cleo Kearns
Philosopher, author of The Virgin Mary, Monotheism and Sacrifice
Thomas Hamelryck
Researcher, professor of biology/machine learning, Girardian theorist
Mark Gerard Murphy
Psychoanalytic theology, author of The Direction of Desire
Julie Reshe
Philosopher, author of Negative Psychoanalysis for the Living Dead, pathetic failure
Barry Taylor
Radical theologian, author of Sex, God, and Rock ‘n’ Roll
Eliot Rosenstock
Psychotherapist, author of Žižek in the Clinic
Carmen Hannibal
Animation scholar researching metaphor
Quinn Whelehan
Philosopher and writer
Max Macken
Philosopher and writer
Dominic Sacranie
Writer, poet, filmmaker
Noah Waiwaiole
Underground theorist
James Wisdom
Philosopher and artist
Edie Hitchcock
Licensed therapist specializing in issues related to identity, gender, and sexuality
Pae Veo
Fiction writer, philosopher, author of The Pérelin Decline
Daniel L. Garner
Philosopher and co-author as O.G. Rose of Belonging Again
Jim Palmer
Former pastor and constructivist theologian, author of deconstructionology
Helen Rollins
Writer, filmmaker, author of Psychocinema, Director of A Guide to Making Love
Peter Rollins
Public speaker, philosopher, producer and theologian, author of How (Not) To Speak Of God