Anthology Inspired by readings of Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra
"I MUST GO DOWN." Zarathustra starts his story as a down-going to human kind, a down-going with a single message: the Overman is the meaning of the Earth. What is often left out of this well-known story is the implicit message of the book as a whole: Zarathustra's own struggles with spiritual mediation. Zarathustra may be a type of enlightened being with a singular message, but he is not an enlightened being sitting in a perfect stillness. He is an enlightened being in deep inner antagonism with his own capacity to give birth. He is pregnant with the meaning of the Earth as the Overman. What does it mean to give spiritual birth? What is involved in such a strange process? And how rare is it to receive such an intimate message, let alone to have it gifted to us in the form of a philosophical fiction? Have we ever received such an intimate message and philosophical form before? Hopefully some of these questions will help guide you through Abyssal Arrows: Spiritual Leadership Inspired by Thus Spoke Zarathustra. What these pages (try to) contain, but what in fact spills off the pages, is precisely the real of a community mind trying to do just that: give spiritual birth. Abyssal Arrows is collective midwifery. It is bloody, messy... it is bloody messy. But as such, it is also represents a real of philosophy that is long overdue. What academic philosophy has not, could not, do with Zarathustra, Abyssal Arrows, in the real of the void, has actualised. Long Live Zarathustra.
Authors, Chapters
This Anthology includes contributions from 27 different authors from various backgrounds and levels of participation in underground theory. The large majority of contributions are motivated and stimulated from a long-term engagement with Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
A Note on Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Chapter 0: The Importance of Fiction
Chapter 1: Spirit's Logic
Interlude 3: Jump Man
Chapter 10: Emerging Knowing
Chapter 11: Nietzsche's Zarathustra as a Model for Hegel's Essence
Chapter 22: Zarathustra, Marriage and Children
Interlude 8: Music's Crown
Chapter 25: Philosophy After Nietzsche
Afterthought: Reflecting on Lightning Strikes
Editor's Note
Chapter 2: The Overman and the Allegory of the Cave
Chapter 22: Zarathustra, Marriage and Children
Chapter 3: Nietzsche = Time + Tragedy
Interlude 1: The Mountain Flood
Chapter 5: A Message from Hell
Chapter 4: Nietzsche's Tantra and Girard's Sutra
Chapter 6: An Introduction to Blood Writing
Interlude 2: God's Love (as Objet lil a)
Chapter 7: The Birth of the Spirit Child
Chapter 8: Excess/Absence
Chapter 9: Thinking Jouissance in Nietzschean Negentropy
Chapter 10: Emerging Knowing
Chapter 10: Emerging Knowing
Interlude 4: Dialectics of Self-Love
Chapter 12: Paradox & Spiritual Leadership
Chapter 13: Thinking Education in Nietzsche
Interlude 5: Living fro Eros
Chapter 14: Remaining True to the Earth
Chapter 15: Meditation on Amor Fati
Chapter 16: My Wild Wisdom
Interlude 6: How I Plan to Defeat History
Chapter 17: The Digital Desert and the Burning Overman
Chapter 17: The Digital Desert and the Burning Overman
Chapter 18: Thus Zarathustra Was Spoken
Chapter 19: Overbecoming: Hyperhumanism as a Bridge Towards Interbeing
Chapter 20: Can You Invent a Deity?
Interlude 7: Thus Spoke Motherhood
Chapter 22: Zarathustra, Marriage and Children
Chapter 21: Zarathustra - a male mother?
Chapter 23: On from Zarathustra
Chapter 24: The Hanged Man, The Hermit, and The Star
Systematic overview of all the chapters of the Abyssal Arrows anthology.
Community Livestream.
All-day livestream with authors of the Abyssal Arrows anthology.