In this trialogue we attempt to introduce the notion of "Noopolitik" or "politics of the noosphere".
A conversation at year-end about what is happening in online intellectual spaces: what is sensed?, what is missing?, what is hoped for? We will various discuss topics of violence/conflict, sexuality/intimacy, money/power, recognition/attention, lack/insecurity, and truth/fantasy (featuring Owen Cox, Daniel Fraga (of Technosocial), Kevin Orosz, Daniel Dick (Sex, Masculinity, God), O.G. Rose, Tim Adalin, Alexander Ebert (Philosophy of Lack).
Daniel Fraga and I discuss Ontological Design as the central idea that design should not be thought as object-oriented, but rather as a recursive feedback loop with subjectivity itself.
This is the Libido Livestream, the first in a series of livestreams dedicated to members of The Portal’s live events to reflect on the theme of the month.