How to Think Foundations for

21st Century Institutions?

Technological accelerationism and global capitalist hegemony define conditions of possibility of becoming in our time.

However, this new reality remains unthought and unconceptualised, in relation to our basic psycho-anthropological condition.

Our real exploits the immediacy of our drives, dissolves trust in common struggle, and opens our vulnerability to predatory agents incapable of meaningful leadership.

We must confront core subjectivity as raw drives/desires and transform intense libidinal energy into a matured becoming capable of alien technosocial form.

Our discourse must become more real to the present moment of sex and power, and establish technosocial bonds via concepts forged in the fires of that real.

Welcome to The Last Technosocial.

The Last Technosocial

Through Philosophy Portal, Cadell Last explores foundational discourses of the modern world that opened us to the global civilisation we now inhabit.

Through Technosocial, Owen Cox and Daniel Fraga opened speculative space about the historically unprecedented technology-sociology relation.

Together, The Last Technosocial is an invitation to co-create the philosophical foundations, and engage in the practical realisation of the institutions necessary for the technosocial age.

Cadell’s philosophical background has helped him to see through the ideological noise of technocapitalist attentionalism and intuit a signal of what conditions of possibility may open discourse for real meaningful technosocial habitation.

Owen and Daniel’s openness to speculation on our new world have helped them to cultivate socio-emotional and design skills that will be absolutely crucial for creating and holding discourses for real meaningful technosocial habitation.

This course is a launch pad for exploring what these possible technosocial habitations could be, both emotionally and conceptually; this course is also designed to open space for insight into what role you might play in its realisation.

  • Philosophy Portal

    Philosopher dedicated to thinking the alien-other emerging through humanity

  • Technosocial

    Artist dancing the edges of heaven-hell to deliver messages from the depths

  • Technosocial

    Designer at man-machine intersection to birth new subjectivity

The Core.

  • The intersection between technological accelerationism and global capitalism (technocapital) and our psychosocial drives

  • Psychosocial drives are exploited for short-term attention and pleasure without real meaning or leadership

  • Confront the core of subjectivity as raw desire/drive for contained transformation

  • New concepts of our technosocial discourse must emerge from and work with sex and power



    Mind’s unconscious id-drives, unconscious externalised myths, and the primal violence at the core-origin of culture and society


Attention to the struggle of drives to self-knowing, virtual global capitalism as common struggle, leading being in void as meaningful becoming


Self-relating drives on monstrous capital, intensified libido needs matured containment, aim of birthing alien technosocial forms for our time


The Last Technosocial holds space for speculative thinking on the real of sexual/political and the birth of the alien



May 2023

The Real of Psyche-Anthropology

May 8 2023, 5-7pm CET: Lecture on the Real of Psychology, Anthropology (Cadell Last)

May 15 2023, 5-7pm CET: Free Associations on the Real of Psychology, Anthropology (Owen Cox)

May 22 2023, 5-7pm CET: Design Workshops on the Real of Psychology, Anthropology (Daniel Fraga)

May 29 2023, All Day: Personalised 1-on-3 Sessions (Last, Cox, Fraga)

June 2023

Modernist Political Philosophy

June 5 2023, 5-7pm CET: Lecture on Modernist Political Philosophy (Cadell Last)

June 12 2023, 5-7pm CET: Free Associations on Modernist Political Philosophy (Owen Cox)

June 19 2023, 5-7pm CET: Design Workshops on Modernist Political Philosophy (Daniel Fraga)

June 26 2023, All Day: Personalised 1-on-3 Sessions (Last, Cox, Fraga)

July 2023

Thinking-Acting a New Paradigm

July 10 2023, 5-7pm CET: Lecture on Thinking-Acting a New Paradigm (Cadell Last)

July 17 2023, 5-7pm CET: Free Associations on Thinking-Acting a New Paradigm (Owen Cox)

July 24 2023, 5-7pm CET: Design Workshops on Thinking-Acting a New Paradigm (Daniel Fraga)

July 31 2023, All Day: Personalised 1-on-3 Sessions (Last, Cox, Fraga)

August 2023

Necessary Beings for New Real

August 7 2023, 5-7pm CET: Lecture on Necessary Beings for New Real (Cadell Last)

August 14 2023, 5-7pm CET: Free Associations on Necessary Beings for New Real (Owen Cox)

August 21 2023, 5-7pm CET: Design Workshops on Necessary Beings for New Real (Daniel Fraga)

August 28 2023, All Day: Personalised 1-on-3 Sessions (Last, Cox, Fraga)


Optional: 7-Day Retreat in the Mediterranean (all-included, except travel)

The online course is a launch pad for possible habitations, of internalising the conceptual foundations of philosophy for our time, and making-sense of this conceptual foundation, personally for your own existence, and for your own creative drive. However, there is something that cannot be replicated online. The physical retreat will offer the optional opportunity to meet with the course leaders, Cadell Last, Owen Cox, and Daniel Fraga, as well as the some of the other course participants who will be co-creating their own vision and aim for birthing a new being for a new world.

Throughout the week, there will be extended lectures organised from the online course contents, free-association seminars, as well as design workshops based on the themes of the organised lectures, and in relation to the personal projects that you have been developing throughout the online course. This will also give you a chance to network with other like-minded people, and go deeper in ways that are simple impossible if we left everything to the virtual.

The retreat option will include a week of accommodations and food, all included, with the exception of travel expenses to and from the venue. Cadell Last, Owen Cox, and Daniel Fraga will be responsible for organising this event behind the scenes, so all you have to do is make sure you are here for the event itself. This retreat will be the place where we brainstorm our future with those who are motivated to go deeper with us.


  • You will get access to all of the recorded material from this course as well as access to the private email list and discord.

  • $500


  • You will get access to all of the live lectures, circles, and workshops, as well as access to the private email list and discord.

  • $1500


  • You will get access to everything in Tier 1 and 2, as well as access to four personalised 1-on-3 sessions with Cadell Last, Owen Cox, and Daniel Fraga.

  • $2000


  • You get access to everything in Tiers 1-3, including the course-end physical retreat (all-expenses included, except travel)

  • —-inquire @