The Spiritual Direction Hub is a space to find a multiplicity of Spiritual Directors that can help as guides depending on your psychological preferences or profile.
What holds the multiplicity and diversity of the spiritual directors together is the way in which they theorise and center the role of negativity, darkness, death, or war in relation to the positive imaginaries of contemporary capitalism. Spiritual development is not purely linked to positive experiences that can easily be commodified, but rather thinking through the negative valances that structures or overdetermines our process of becoming. This also provides the underlying motive for why someone would need to help of a spiritual director on the path: if spiritual growth came purely from positive experiences there would be no need for directors or elder guides.
Spiritual Director Hub
Mark Gerard Murphy
Psychoanalytic Spiritual Director
Positive spiritual experience is being commodified. Mark Murphy teaches that the implicit idea behind this trend is that feeling good is synonymous with spiritual growth. However, the deepest sources of spiritual direction suggest something more complex, a path that involves tarrying with the negative and “night of the world”.
Simon van der Els
Shamanistic Spiritual Director
Come home to earth. Simon van der Els cares for the distinction between intelligence and wisdom. Intelligence can be instrumentalised for superficial success, but we need Wisdom to truly live and to live truly. However, the price to pay for Wisdom is a confrontation with Death, which can provoke fear, but which can be facilitated with a guide.
Eliot Rosenstock
Psychodynamic Spiritual Director
Return to Freud? Rosenstock continues Freud’s psychoanalytic criticism of religion as a hyperpsychology based on the real of religion’s mythological functioning. Ideological imaginaries define boundaries of war and hyperpsychology is more necessary than ever to avoid mythological capture in the trenches of virtual warfare.