THE PORTAL: WORK OF THE CONCEPT Events for Philosophy.


Philosophy Portal Members
Every month
Every year

Philosophy Portal is an online education platform opening space for the next generation of great thought, and cultivation of future philosophical mind. Philosophy Portal members get access to The Portal live event spaces, book clubs, either free or discounted access to courses, permanent early bird pricing on future courses, and priority to apply for retreats. Couples are encouraged get a 2 for 1 deal.

You can also access individual sessions for both The Edge and Thought Lab. If you are interested in only attending one Edge event or Thought Lab event or Book Club event, register at one of or all of the links to the right and you will be sent a link specifically for that single event.

Philosophy Portal is an online education platform offering introductions to foundational philosophical texts in the modern world. However, starting in 2024 Philosophy Portal is also becoming an event space for members. The event space has become a thinking network for working through our contemporary moment in relation to sex, community, and metaphysics. The meta-themes of sex, community, and metaphysics are repeated in a three month structure. Within these meta-themes, each month we will host four different events that are thematically aligned under a similar direction. You can find more about each of the events that you get access to for becoming a member below:

  1. Concept Cave

    Is a space to learn and discuss fundamental concepts. Each month Dr. Cadell Last will highlight a specific concept from the foundations of modern philosophy and open up a space for discussion on how we may relate to or think with that concept today.

  2. The Edge

    Is a space to walk the razor’s edge of contemporary thought and practice. Each month a thinker walking the “razor’s edge” of a new idea or collision between ideas will be invited to share with us what they have newly discovered or created in the real.

  3. Thought Lab

    Is a space to learn from and think with a thought leader about our shared becoming. Each month a thinker who has spent an extended period of time mediating core ideas will be invited to help us think with these ideas and relate them into our daily life.

  4. Real Talk

    Is a space for free association and full speech inspired by liminal thinkers and living ideas. Each month a thinker whose life practice directly engages the real will be invited to inspire us to explore deeper parts of ourselves using the method of free association.

What is Philosophy Portal Membership?

Community Mind

Members have access to the history of The Portal space. The history of The Portal space functions as a type of course exposing you to the most interesting elements of the liminal web, as well as an initiation into a community mind that is working through the challenges of thinking together for a real intellectual milieu. You can find the history of our guests below.

Portal Edge-Explorers

  • Layman Pascal

    Integral metashaman on the relation between magic and psychoanalysis

  • Carl Hayden Smith

    Experimental psychologist and psychonaut on Trans/Hyperhumanism

  • Andrew Davis

    Process philosopher and theologian on human and cosmic value

  • Barry Taylor

    Theologian on befriending discomfort in the risky nature of belief

  • Alyssa Polizzi

    Mythological analysis of archetypes related to Home/Origin

  • Peter Limberg

    Steward of The Stoa and author of Less Foolish on the mystery of the demonic

  • Owen Cox

    Artist and creator of Dark Renaissance on the counter-culture

  • Helen Rollins

    Author on the contemporary relation between capitalism and inequality

  • Daniel Fraga

    Designer exploring the possibilities of Ontological Design in the age of AI

Portal Thought-Leaders

  • Alenka Zupančič

    Philosopher of psychoanalysis on sexuality, culture and society

  • David McKerracher

    Social and political theorist on Timenergy concept, theory, and implications

  • Ruth E. Kastner

    Philosopher of science and physics on the relation between Spirit and Science.

  • Nina Power

    Philosopher on the interconnections between sex, evil, and forgiveness

  • Daniel L. Garner

    Philosopher offering an exposition of the concept of Belonging Again: An Address

  • Greg Dember

    Cultural theorist outlining the basics of the concept of Metamodernism

  • Thomas Hamelryck

    Girardian theorist on the nature of Christianity and its relationship to eroticism.

  • Benjamin Studebaker

    Political scientist on the crisis of state democracy and legitimacy

  • Clement Vidal

    Philosopher of science developing a systems level concept of the noosphere

Portal Real-Talkers

  • Eliot Rosenstock

    Psychotherapist working at the intersection of sex and therapy culture

  • Alex Ebert

    Artist and philosopher exploring our relation to status anxiety

  • Matt Segall

    Philosopher and transdisciplinary researcher on the theopolitical dimension of love

  • Pamela von Sabljar

    Mentor on working and creating with the evolutionary edge of living eros itself

  • Michelle Garner

    Philosophical couple focused on a new relations to belonging in the loss of givens

  • Alex Ebert

    Artist and philosopher speculating on the nature of the metapolitical

  • Paris Jayer

    Tantric practitioner on the mysteries and art of living a tantric life

  • Nina Power

    Philosopher reflecting our current political/cultural notion of fascism

  • Arran Rogerson

    Philosophical coach helping individuals reconcile with intergenerational identity

Portal Book-Clubers

  • David McKerracher

    Social and political theorist focused on the book Timenergy: Why You Have No Time or Energy

  • O.G. Rose

    Philosophical couple focused on the book Belonging Again: An Address